
Here’s just a small snippet of what actors is saying about Be A Working Actor Studios and Mark Atteberry as a master teacher. 

Nothing sells a good class more than word of mouth. And we are incredibly grateful to our past students for spreading the word in such a kind way.


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Isabelle Sitterle

Isabelle Sitterle

I wanted to renew my deepest gratitude for offering me such detailed guidance about who I am and who I can play for an audience. It’s truly fascinating! I was blown away by how quickly you described me as if you knew me for years! I reviewed your documents thoroughly, it will help me to create new headshots for sure.

Erin Maxick

This is an excellent class!! Mark truly cares about each and every student and is passionate about helping students further their careers, no matter ones level in the business. In Mark’s Actor, Know Thyself! class Mark gives personal, incredibly well thought out exercises and individualized attention to help create clarity and confidence in what we’re putting out as actors. At the end of this class you will feel so much more grounded, clear and empowered about your place in the biz and how the industry works. I love that his classes are kept small and extremely focused. Thank you Mark for all that you do to support and teach actors this crucial information, you’re amazing!!

JP Michaels

Jay Paul Michaels

I have been acting ever since I was a child and now I am in my late 30’s. Mr Atteberry was so thorough and I identified with him in such a way that he helped me bring out the best in me. He is a true Godsend to the acting world. If you want to figure out who you are Brand wise, learn how to expand your acting abilities, know your strengths as well as your weaknesses and how to use them both to your advantages and then start working in this industry and find representation start getting auditions and booking gigs, well then, look no further. This is the man to get the job done! He is sooo incredibly insightful into HOW this town works and how to get seen, where to go, when, what tools are needed, where to get them, and with whom. I cannot say enough about Mr. Atteberry. I feel sooooo privileged to have fallen upon this man that genuinely cares about his craft, his student, and getting his students working in this field. I have done it all. Juliard, AMDA, Stella Adler Conservatory, 2nd City Chicago, Howard Fine, Ivana Chubbock. You name it, chances are I have done the course. No one, teaches what Mark teaches. It’s as simple as that. He teaches the BUSINESS of ACTING. Please take advantage of his course. You will not regret it!

Lise Porter

Lise Porter

This is probably the most important class you’ll take as an actor. You’ll learn the key aspects that make YOU shine as an actor and where you fall on the marketing grid. Mark is a consummate teacher, knows his stuff, and doesn’t waste hours of class talking about himself like some acting teachers do. Instead he gets straight down to business, into the work, and uses every minute of the class to focus on the students. Know that this class is challenging in unexpected but very beneficial ways. Plus, despite being laser sharp in his analysis of actors’ strengths and weaknesses, Mark is incredibly encouraging and never delivers feedback in a harsh or abusive way.

Jimmy Lin

Jimmy Lin

Just finished Mark’s class, one word: thorough. I should have started out with this class first! What you will learn: 1. Your type – breakdown services are full of types that range from “Young Dad” to “Real Guy”. From “Character” to “Leading Man”. From “Girl Next Door” to “Popular Cheerleader”. This class will give you the tools to narrow down what your specific type is based on how you look and the way you present yourself. 2. Your essence – it’s not enough to say “Oh, I can play Boy Next Door!” anymore. These characters are compelling because they jump out of the screen, so to speak. You’re not a simple character, you have a personality. Are you “The cold hearted bitch with a soft side for the marginalized”? Are you “The teen heartthrob with a heart of gold”? By figuring out your essence–the way you naturally present yourself–you’ll learn that you’re not just ANY Boy Next Door. You have your own flavor, a flavor that few can imitate. We are all unique, this class will show you exactly what parts of you will create a well rounded character. 3. Agent/Casting Director targeting – submitting yourself to agencies without the help of a blue print is much like throwing darts at an LA sized target. You hope that by sending out 60 headshots that a couple agents will take interest. In this class, you learn it’s not a numbers game, it’s a “partnership fit” game. What shows do you think your type is perfect for? Who are casting those shows? Which agents consistently book clients through that casting studio? These tools will help sharpen who you really want to see your material as well as assuage your fears of your headshot being sent out into the nebulous town and disappearing. 4. What the other side really want to see in an audition room – anyone can read lines. Anyone, with enough time, can recite lines verbatim. But those who bring themselves will book. Those who enter with confidence will book. This class clarifies what’s important in the audition room. Mark is insanely detailed and the 6 weeks will give you more than enough to do for the coming year. Please, start here on your journey to becoming an actor! You won’t regret it.